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Hope Award

Diet Success

  • Don't just diet, DO IT!
  • It doesn't matter so much which diet plan you pick, so long as you stick with it.  Most diets don't work if you don't follow them or stay on them.
  • Do not view your diet plan as a short-term fix; view it as a long-term lifestyle change.
  • Set REALISTIC weight loss goals that you can achieve. You can always set a new one once you reach that goal.  I recommend that the first goal be to lose no more than 10% of your original body weight.
  • Your goal weight isn't the only goal. Set a different "baby step" goal each day that is easy, measurable, and achievable.
  • Celebrate small successes each day. Small achievements add up to bigger ones.
  • Like embarking on any new journey, whichever diet strategy you choose, read the book!  This is the "instruction manual" for how to "do" this diet properly and successfully. 
  • Drink PLENTY of water - at least 10 glasses per day.
  • Take the recommended vitamins and dietary supplements:
    • A general multivitamin
    • Calcium with Vitamin D
    • Omega 3 fatty acids/fish oil
  • If you become constipated, take a fiber supplement, a stool softener, or a laxative and increase your fluid intake, vegetable intake, and exercise.
  • Exercise helps!  The more the better.  But you don't have to go to a gym for 2 hours a day.  Just focus on doing a little more than the day before until you reach a reasonable exercise goal.
  • Don't skip breakfast!
  • If you are hungry, eat. Just make sure it's something on the low carbohydrate list.
  • Try to eat a small snack before you are really hungry.
  • Keep prepared "safe" snack foods ready in your refrigerator that can be eaten as is or quickly microwaved when in a hurry.
  • If you are traveling or going somewhere that may not have food choices compatible with your diet plan (e.g. the movies, a party, an airplane) either eat before you go or bring your own food with you.
  • When eating in a restaurant or hotel room service, tell the waiter beforehand not to bring any foods you're restricting (e.g. bread, pasta, rice or potatoes).  These items are often served without being mentioned on the menu.
  • Getting an adequate amount of sleep has recently been shown to correlate with weight management success. Aim to establish healthy sleep patterns (which will help take away midnight snacking cravings!).
  • If you're an after-dinner muncher, try brushing your teeth immediately after eating and then commit to be finished eating for the night.
  • At home, try to be creative about varying your diet. Variety is the spice of life and will decrease your likelihood of letting boredom cause you to stray from your goals.
  • If you "cheat" or fall off the bandwagon, don't despair, and don't give up.  Just get right back to your plan as soon as possible.

Created: 1/5/2005  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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