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Aerobic Shopping

Post Thanksgiving shopping has become as much of an American holiday tradition as cutting the turkey itself.  While mall walking can be great exercise-especially when carrying lots of packages (or a child)-the healthiest walk you take may be the one that by-passes the food court.  You're much better off going home to eat healthy Thanksgiving leftovers.  If you do stop for fast food, try to skip the greasy burgers and fries or high fat smoothies in favor of low-fat alternatives.  And if you're really stopping just to rest your feet, don't feel obligated to eat.  A cool water bottle will go a long way towards refreshing-and energizing-you, while giving you the excuse to rest your feet.

It's easy to forget that when the hustle and bustle of the holiday season invades our already over scheduled days, exercise is often the first thing to be sacrificed.  Ironically, this often begins on Thanksgiving day when more Americans are watching football on TV than actually getting any exercise themselves!  As the holiday season descends upon us, try to fit fitness in.  Schedule your workouts, just as you would schedule your other holiday obligations.  Mini-workouts are also better than no work-outs.  And any physical activity counts:  from walking to and from the holiday shopping to dancing at all of those holiday parties. 

Another suggestion is to pass the football instead of the remote control.  Don't just watch football on tv, go out and play!   Remember, the importance of the holiday season is to share good times with friends and family members:  exercising together may be the best holiday gift of all that you give yourself and each other.

Created: 11/28/2003  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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