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Christy Turlington Speaks Out Against Smoking

There is some good news about teen-age smoking: federal studies show that smoking among high school students has dropped since 1997, from about 35 percent to below 30 percent of young men and women. But 30 percent-one in three hs students smoking-- is still outrageous, as far as super-model - and super role model -- christy turlington is concerned. Christy's message to teens is, "it's easier not to start and it is to stop.´ the former smoker speaks from experience, having made several attempts to shake the habit before she succeeded:

Turlington: "It had more control over me than I realized...so many teenagers think they have it under control or that they will be able to quit when they want to or when they are an adult...and I had that sort of an attitude for a long time...but then I realized the first time I sort of tried to quit, I realized that I was addicted."

After christy quit cold turkey six years ago, she gained a bit of weight:

Turlington: "But I kind of expected it and was prepared for it so I just sort of increased my exercise routine   and I gained about 10 pounds but I knew from my many attempts before that it was a temporary process and accepted that."

Christy says young people develop a positive image of smoking perpetrated by movies, television, music and fashion:

Turlington: "So it's really important, when I talk to teens,  they understand that it's not fashionable, does not keep you thin, it's not glamorous, it's not cool."

Christy urges the media to stop glamorizing smoking:

Turlington: "Our society is media driven, and it's almost inevitable that young people look to celebrities as role models.  But it's time for those of us in the spotlight to act responsibly and really to think about the image we're projecting."

For more information, click here.

Created: 7/6/2001  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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