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Dr. Donnica Returns to the Tyra Banks Show

On Thursday November 29, 2007 Dr. Donnica returns to "The Tyra Banks Show" on a provocative segment called "Motherhood - The Dirty Little Secret". In this show, several new mothers talk candidly about the overwhelming challenges of having a baby and admit the downsides of motherhood nobody else seems willing to talk about! Check your local tv listings for show times and stations.

"Many women have the expectation that everything will be all hearts and flowers once their new baby is born," says Dr. Donnica. "They may be surprised and unprepared for the toll childbirth takes on their bodies, their relationships or even their ability to take a shower before noon."

Tyra exposes the darker side of motherhood when she welcomes several new mothers who are at a breaking point. From not bonding with their baby and lacking maternal instinct to resisting breastfeeding and feeling like they want to physically hurt their child, the women open up and share feelings they have been ashamed to reveal. Dr. Donnica and two other experts help them with their emotions, as well as address issues all mothers experience such as sex after childbirth, getting their bodies back in shape and changes in relationship with their husbands or partners. The doctors addressed the issues of post partum "baby blues" and post partum depression. "Is it any wonder that after 9 months of pregnancy, several hours (or days!) of labor and childbirth, sleep deprivation, nursing, and numerous life changes that "baby blues" affect nearly 7 in 10 new mothers?" asks Dr. Donnica. "The good news is that this is generally a mild, transient disorder that resolves without intervention. Of greater concern, however, are the 10% of women who will develop postpartum depression. These women need medical attention sooner rather than later" she adds.

Many of Tyra's guests who had difficulty after having a baby also admitted to having difficulties breast feeding. Dr. Donnica helped Tyra demonstrate proper breast feeding techniques and offered tips to mothers who were struggling. "While breast feeding is the preferred way to feed your baby, the goal is a healthy mom and a healthy baby. How you get there is not as important," she said.

To view this episode of "The Tyra Banks Show" check your local listings for stations and times.

To view a clip of Dr. Donnica giving breast feeding tips and teaching Tyra how to breast feed a baby doll, click here

To learn more about postpartum depression, click here

Created: 11/29/2007  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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