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May is CFS Awareness Month

(Trenton NJ May 1, 2007): Richard J. Codey, Acting Governor of New Jersey, issued a State Proclamation declaring May, 2007 as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Awareness Month. Acting Governor Codey joins the New Jersey Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association (NJCFSA) in recognizing CFS as a chronic, debilitating illness which affects over one million American men, women and children. The Governor's Proclamation devotes a special month to increasing knowledge and understanding of CFS.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a serious and often disabling illness that attacks multiple body systems causing cognitive and neurological problems, swollen lymph nodes, fever, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disorders, incapacitating fatigue, post-exertional malaise, dizziness, and many others. Scientists believe that factors such as exposure to infectious agents, environmental toxins, physical trauma and genetics engage in a complex interplay to produce the syndrome. Those affected are often unable to do their regular jobs, activities of daily living or even able to care for themselves or others during a prolonged recuperation.

The NJCFSA is a non profit organization providing support for patients and their families, disseminating reliable information and promoting research into the causes, treatments and cure of CFS. Dr. Donnica Moore is one of the trustees of NJCFSA. "Unfortunately, I come to this as the mother of an affected child as well as a physician. I have seen how devastating this illness can be. For many people, the most devastating part of this illness is the ignorance and confusion surrounding it."

The State of New Jersey and the NJCFSA jointly promote the month of May to increasing awareness of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the purpose of assisting patients whose educational, professional, and family lives have been disrupted by the illness.

For more information about CFS, click here

Created: 5/2/2007  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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