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Dr. Donnica to Keynote at Women's Health University

(Roanoke VA, 5/1/05): Carilion Health System in Roanoke Virginia is pleased to announce that nationally known physician and women's health expert and advocate Dr. Donnica L. Moore will be the keynote presenter for this year's second Women's Health University (WHU) program. Dr. Donnica will address the topic of "Debunking the Myths about Osteoporosis". All are welcome to attend, but pre-registration is required. 

Strength. As women, we use it to get through the tough times that affect our emotions and relationships. But do you think about strength in a different sense, like your bones? They have to be strong, too. Join us for this year's second Women's Health University (WHU) program where nationally known physician and women's health expert and advocate Dr. Donnica L. Moore will provide enlightening information about bone health.  Regardless of age, bone health is the foundation on which your life is built. Plan now to attend "Debunking the Myths About Osteoporosis" for an even stronger tomorrow.

The event will be held  Thursday, May 5, 2005 at 11:30 a.m. in Fitzpatrick Hall, Jefferson Center; 541 Luck Ave., Downtown Roanoke, Virginia. Cost is $15 per person and a light lunch will be included. Pre-registration is required. Call 266-6000 for more information. Dr. Donnica will allow time for questions and answers after her presentation. 

Dr. Donnica L. Moore is highly regarded as a women's health expert and advocate: as a physician educator and as a media commentator. Known as "Dr. Donnica", she is the founder and president of DrDonnica.com, a popular women's health information website. She is also founder and president of Sapphire Women's Health Group LLC, a multimedia women's health education and communications firm.

Dr. Donnica has appeared on more than 300 television interviews and has done more than 150 radio interviews on various women's health topics. She was the women's health contributor for NBC's Later Today, appearing weekly from 1999-2000. Previously, she was a frequent guest on NBC's Weekend Today Show and has been a guest on "The Oprah Winfrey Show", "The View",, and "Good Morning America". Her voice was heard daily from September 2000 through March 2002 on the nationally syndicated radio spot, Dr. Donnica's Women's Health Report. She is well known for her engaging and entertaining style which she refers to as Medicine Lite: using humor as the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down.

For more information on osteoporosis, click here.

Created: 5/2/2005  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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