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Allen S. Cohen, M.D.
Dr. Cohen graduated with honors from the New York University School of Medicine in 1971.  He is both a patient and a practitioner of Anti-Aging Medicine. Certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, he practices in Beverly Hills, California. Dr. Cohen's web site can be found at www.allencohenmd.com.

What is Anti-Aging Medicine?

Guess what?? If you have been taking vitamin supplements, hormone replacements, or medicine to lower your cholesterol, you're already participating in Anti-Aging Medicine (AAM).

As a newer area of medical practice, Anti-Aging Medicine (AAM) is still a mystery to many patients. (The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine is less than 10 years old and its associated board is only 5 years old.)  Basically, the idea is to consolidate proven information from other medical disciplines (Cardiology, Urology, Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, etc.) and to provide it in a framework aimed at delaying, or even reversing the effects of aging on the human body.

In my programs for patients, I like to tell them that Anti-Aging Medicine functions in five main areas. Your Anti-Aging physician will provide you with specific advice and prescriptions for your particular needs.

  1. Hormonal Replacement -- This is the focal point of AAM. The use of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is to me the most exciting medical breakthrough in the thirty years since I finished medical school. Studies have shown (New England Journal Of Medicine 7/5/91, D. Rudman, MD et al) that six months of administering HGH to patients over 60 years of age resulted in an almost 9 percent increase in lean body mass and over 14 percent decrease in body fat without exercise programs. Adding sex hormones to this HGH regimen has since been shown to offer additional beneficial effects.  You can starve yourself down to almost any weight, but dieting can't build muscle -- HGH can.
  1. Diet -- The healthiest diet is one with complex carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits not candy and cake), fats of an unsaturated nature (think of olive oil for dressings and canola oil for cooking) and proteins of a good quality and again low in saturated fats (think of fish and chicken).  Nothing so earth shaking here. What I find is that in today's "diet" conscious world, fat intakes are often too low and of the wrong type.
  1. Exercise -- Something we all are familiar with, but a bit of guidance is necessary in deciding the types of exercises involved.  Of course aerobic exercise for cardiovascular health is important, but so is stretching for maintaining flexibility, and weight training is an essential part of keeping bones strong.
  1. Vitamins and supplements -- I believe that no one's diet is adequate in terms of optimum nutrition.  Even going by the government's RDA (recommended daily allowances), survey after survey has shown that people don't eat the correct variety and quantity of foods to get good nutrition. The foods we eat are raised on depleted soils and are genetically altered to have appealing color and long shelf life. The main goal of nutrition is seemingly forgotten.
  1. Relaxation -- Call it by any name: stress management; relaxing; kicking back... relaxation is an integral part of AAM. Whether relaxation is achieved via meditation, visualization, or prayer, patients need guidance and encouragement to relax fully.

Anti-Aging Medicine...could it offer something for you??  It's a proactive area of medicine aimed at improving your health and well-being, not at treating problems after they've developed.

Click here for related information.

Created: 11/29/2001  -  Allen S. Cohen, M.D.

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