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Getting Help for PMDD

Q: I am searching for help for my condition and I was reading about PMDD on your web site. I know I have it. I have been telling doctors about my condition since I was 30 and now I am 41 years old. I have been back and forth between my doctor and a psychiatrist and I have tried many different meds, yet I'm still having problems. For a few days after my period, I feel normal but after that I go back for having all of the symptoms listed on your site. I am very tired and feel like I can't live another day. I have a high-stress job and I feel I am losing ground there. I find it very hard to live with myself and I know my husband has been hurt by my anger. I have had a lot of testing carried out over the last few years to rule out many different things. Recently, I was told to have a hysterectomy or go on hormones, but that may not help. I could go on and on about much more, but what I want help with is the problem and a list of doctors who specialize in this kind of thing. Before I give up, I am reaching out for help. I don't care how far I have to drive, I just want to know who will help or how can I find a doctor.

Thanks for you time. I hope you can help because another month of this is not worth it.

Dr. Donnica:
I agree. It sounds like you have PMDD. DON'T GIVE UP!!! The good news is that you can acknowledge it and you know that you need help. I do not understand why the psychiatrist you consulted was not helpful. You do not need a hysterectomy or hormones to treat PMDD. What you need is ongoing psychiatric help ("talk therapy") as well as anti-depressant medication. Go to www.ama-assn.org and click on the "Doctor Finder" icon to search for all the psychiatrists in your area. Call each one and ask on the phone if they treat PMDD. Women are willing to search and search until they find the best hairdresser; sometimes you have to search a little to find the right doctor.

Good luck!

Best regards,
Donnica Moore MD

Created: 5/15/2005  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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