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Sex and Relationships in Adolescence

Q: I'm 15 and my boyfriend and I are talking about having sex but I am really worried about getting pregnant. What are the chances of getting pregnant your first time while using protection and possibly birth control? Is using two condoms more effective?

Please respond. Your answer will mean a lot.

Dr. Donnica:
I strongly recommend against having sex at age 15, but I'm glad that you and your boyfriend are discussing it as well as the consequences. You may also want to discuss it with your mom or a trusted adult friend, relative, teacher or counselor. Take your time. There's no rush!

You will enjoy a sexual relationship more when you're older. You are right to worry about getting pregnant. For someone in your situation, the only way to guarantee that you won't get pregnant is not to have intercourse. Yes, it is possible to get pregnant your first time. The chances of getting pregnant are directly influenced by the timing of your menstrual cycle. But why take the chance?

Two condoms are not "better" than one properly applied condom. Using a condom with a spermicidal cream or jelly is more effective than using a condom alone. This will also decrease your chances of getting a sexually transmitted disease or infection.

My advice is to focus on the romance of the relationship and the excitement of holding hands, kissing, and being together. There's plenty of time for a sexual relationship later on if you're still together. If he really cares for you, he'll be patient and wait.

For more information about sexual health, click here.

With best regards,
Donnica Moore, MD
President, DrDonnica.com

Created: 12/27/2003  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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