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Treating Significant Menopause Symptoms

Q: I am a 51-year-old woman who is entering menopause. I am having severe sweating experiences, daytime and nighttime. I become very flushed and clammy and then become very cold. I am also having dizzy spells and feel tired, weak and like I may faint after one of these spells. I am experiencing depression on a daily basis and become very emotional.

Is this a normal occurrence of menopause? I have talked to my doctor about HRT, but I declined it after hearing the media reports. Should I explore this option? Also, I would like information about chemical imbalances as I have heard these are symptoms of that condition also.

Sincerely, L.Y.

Dr. Donnica:
I am sorry to hear that you're having difficulty with these symptoms, but I'm even sorrier to hear that you're making personal medical decisions based upon media reports. The most important information FOR YOU is the recommendations that your doctor may have made. IF your doctor recommended hormone replacement therapy (HRT), I think you should consider it.

Your doctor probably explained to you that the majority of the media reports were based on a study called the Women's Health Initiative, which was designed to evaluate whether there were long-term preventive benefits of HRT for women without significant menopausal symptoms. It sounds as though you have the opposite situation. It sounds as though your menopausal symptoms are significant and causing you great difficulties.

If you decide not to take HRT, there are still other treatment options you can and should discuss with your doctor, however, none of them will be as comprehensive as taking estrogen therapy. You should know that this does NOT mean you have to take this medicine for life! Consider a short-term trial and see how you feel. This decision can always be reviewed and reconsidered.

For more information on menopause and HRT, click here.

With best regards,
Donnica Moore, MD
President, DrDonnnica.com

Created: 12/20/2003  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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