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Dieting and Hair Loss

Q: I've been on a diet for about six months, and the good news is I've lost 15 pounds. But the bad news is I'm also losing my hair! It used to be shiny and strong, but now my hair is dull and comes out in clumps whenever I brush it. I haven't changed anything else in my life except my eating habits. Could I be missing some nutrient that's making me go bald, and can I ever get my hair back?

Dr. Donnica: Congratulations on your weight loss! If you were significantly overweight, losing this amount will significantly improve your overall health and reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease, the number one killer of women and men in our country. Losing this much weight can also create a change in your hormonal levels, which could be contributing to your hair loss, but it could also be a coincidence. Vitamin and nutritional balance may also be a factor.

I recommend that all women-especially those who are dieting-take a daily multivitamin. Most women also need calcium supplements. There are now also vitamins specifically designed for women who are dieting (such as One A Day Weight Smart™). There are even supplements specifically designed for healthy hair (such as Nature's Bounty Vitamins for Hair™). You should start taking vitamins as soon as possible, but you should also consult a dermatologist to see if there are other issues affecting your scalp and hair loss.

Created: 7/11/2003  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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