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Ordering Medicine Over the Internet

Q: After getting into a car accident last month my doctor prescribed several medications. Unfortunately, half of them aren't covered by my insurance plan, so I'm paying (dearly) out of pocket. I've heard that you can purchase drugs for less over the Internet but is it safe?

Dr. Donnica:
Before going online, call your insurance company: demand to know why these medications are not covered. Then, go back to your doctor: discuss the insurance coverage issue and ask if there are other medications that can achieve the same goals which are covered by your insurance. You should also be aware that prescription prices may vary significantly at different pharmacies. If you live in New York State, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's website which compares prices of the most common prescriptions at different pharmacies may help: www.nyagrx.org. New York State law also requires all pharmacies to give you their Drug Retail Price List if you request it.

Purchasing prescriptions online gives you easy access to a world wide web of reputable companies, products and price comparisons. It also gives you access to those that aren't so reputable. You can even reach some doctors (in our country and in others) who illegally prescribe medicines over the Internet. Any time you buy medicines or supplements, be sure you are getting quality products from reputable sources based upon a prescription from your own personal physician. It is safe to purchase over-the-counter medicines or supplements from reliable manufacturers and from reputable sources either online or in person so long as you follow certain guidelines. Any time you purchase any medicine, be sure the product has no evidence of having been tampered with and be sure to read the label. Only buy medicines from a source that has a licensed pharmacist available to answer questions (e.g. www.drugstore.com). Most importantly, only purchase medicines or supplements that you actually need and that have been proven to show benefit for the condition you wish to prevent or treat. A good source for information about reliable products is www.fda.gov.

Created: 5/13/2002  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.
Reviewed: 12/10/2004  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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