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Hope Award


LA Style Editor, Joie Davidow, Erasing Stigma Of Birthmarks

Joie Davidow co-founded one of America's biggest weekly papers and was the editor-in-chief of L.A. Style magazine. But beneath the fashion and glamour, Davidow was hiding a painful secret - a hand-sized birthmark, called a port wine stain, which covered much of her face.

Hollywood Philanthropist 'Babies' Her MS

For 13 years Hollywood philanthropist Nancy Davis has had multiple sclerosis. For 11 years she has spearheaded efforts to raise money to find a cure by founding the Center Without Walls. "This is my 11th year co-chairing the Race to Erase MS, and I could not be more excited," says Davis, daughter of Hollywood mogul Marvin Davis. "I know we are making tremendous progress in finding better treatments that will eventually lead to a cure.

"Thyroid Dysfunction", by Olympic champion Gail Devers

Olympic champion Gail Devers discusses her experience with thyroid dysfunction, and effective ways to control this common disease.

Bob Dole Campaigns For Better Healthcare

Sen. Bob Dole has served our nation with distinction for over six decades as a patriot and statesman and been honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Now he's fighting to free parents and grandparents from the bureaucracy of Medicare so they can receive the best healthcare possible.

"My Battle with Blood Clots", by John Douglas

John Douglas is a pioneering FBI profiler who has tracked some of the most notorious criminals of our time. During his 25-year career in the FBI, John has faced some dangerous foes, but his biggest adversary turned out to be blood clots.

Roma Downey Works Miracles With Operation Smile

After a nine-year run as the beautiful angel Monica on Touched by an Angel, Roma Downey has witnessed her share of made-for-TV miracles. But her work with Operation Smile is close to real heavenly intervention. "There's probably nothing more synonymous with children than the word smile," says Downey. "Operation Smile visits 21 countries on an annual basis to fix children who have cleft lips and palates."

Fran Drescher Announces Campaign For Women's Health

'Four more years, four more years,' is a familiar chant to victorious politicians. It's also Fran Drescher's goal as she nears the fourth anniversary of her being cancer-free. Now, the former Nanny star and health advocate is contemplating adding a new role to her resume - politician.

"Endometriosis", by actress Karen Duffy

In 1998, Duffy was diagnosed with endometriosis, a condition that affects an estimated six million women in the United States. In an effort to increase awareness of endometriosis, Ms. Duffy has teamed up with the National Women's Health Resource Center. Karen Duffy's public service announcements, which began airing in March, strongly encourage women to re-examine menstrual period pain and to discuss their symptoms with their health care professionals.

Eikenberry And Tucker Know The T-Score

Married actors Jill Eikenberry and Michael Tucker played law partners on the popular television series "L.A. Law." But now the couple has partnered in a more important venture -- fighting osteoporosis. Ms. Eikenberry, a breast cancer survivor, has been diagnosed with osteoporosis and Mr. Tucker has been diagnosed with its precursor condition, osteopenia. Together, they are supporting the National Osteoporosis Foundation as spokespersons for the "Know Yourself to a T" campaign.

Boomer Esiason Mounts Winning Drive Against Cystic Fibrosis

Former NFL quarterback and CBS football analyst Boomer Esiason knows that there's no bigger moment in all of pro football than playing in the Super Bowl. But Esiason would gladly give up his NFL legacy if he could emerge victorious over a far greater adversary - cystic fibrosis (CF).

Geraldine Ferraro Races Against Multiple Myeloma

In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro made history as the first woman vice-presidential candidate. What history could not have foretold was that 14 years later Ferraro was going to run the race of her life against a deadly disease. In 1998 Ferraro was diagnosed with multiple myeloma.

Sally Field Talks About Osteoporosis

Actress Sally Field, the seemingly ageless icon of a Baby Boom generation that starts turning 60 this year, revealed that she was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis and is leading a public action campaign to educate and inspire women to fight the fragile bone disease. Surprised by her recent diagnosis, Field chose to go public with her personal health and is launching Rally With Sally For Bone HealthSM, sponsored by Roche and GlaxoSmithKline. The campaign encourages women to protect themselves against fractures so they can remain active and reduce their risk of a debilitating injury.

Mel Gibson's 'Passion' For Ocean Safety

Whether you know Mel Gibson as the Sexiest Man Alive, Hollywood's top leading man or as the Academy Award-winning director of Braveheart, there's no doubt about his passion for everything he pursues. That includes his love of the water and his commitment to promoting ocean safety. "Always swim in guarded waters," states Gibson, who is an avid water-sports enthusiast and a father of seven.

Tipper Gore Honors Mental Health Achievements

Nearly 19 million Americans in any given year experience a depressive disorder -- with women suffering almost twice the rate of men. One of these women was Tipper Gore, a presenter at the recent "Erasing the Stigma Awards" in Beverly Hills.

Amy Grant Has Faith About Defeating Pediatric Cancers

There's an old saying that "a stitch in time saves nine." When it comes to promoting the Quilt of Dreams campaign for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, singer Amy Grant knows that a stitch in time may actually save lives. Founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas, St. Jude is a unique children's hospital, because no child will ever be turned away because their family cannot afford treatment.

Lisa Gay Hamilton Acts To End Violence Against Women

On The Practice, Lisa Gay Hamilton played an attorney dedicated to defending people's rights. As a woman, Hamilton is fighting to defend fellow women from becoming victims of physical and sexual violence. "The UN has estimated that one out of every three women will raped or beaten in her lifetime," says Hamilton, who has been performing The Vagina Monologues for several years.

Scott Hamilton's Chemotherapy Ices Cancer

Olympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton has spent a lifetime skating circles around the competition. But testicular cancer almost put his career and
his life on ice.

Becky Hammon Shoots to Eliminate Cervical Cancer

"As a member of the New York Liberty, I know that my job isn't just about scoring baskets and winning games; though, it is a lot of fun. My job is also to be a role model to our millions of fans, particularly the women and young girls who cheer us on from inside the arena and in front of their television sets."

Daryl Hannah Fights Against Women's Heart Disease

As Miss Driver in Kill Bill Daryl Hannah plays an amoral villain with no compassion for her victims. Now the Blade Runner alum is helping track down a similar foe -- America's #1 serial killer of women - heart disease.

Mariette Hartley Triumphs Over Bipolar Disorder

For seven years, Mariette Hartley and James Garner shared a unique chemistry in their Polaroid commercials. Now Hartley is bringing into sharp focus another kind of chemistry - neurochemistry - that debilitates millions of Americans.

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