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Alicia Minshew reveals her secrets to living a healthy lifestyle and the luxuries of a youthful spirit.

The "All My Children" soap-star, Alicia Minshew has been naturally thin all her life. She is one of the many people out there who struggles to gain weight, rather than lose it. Alicia's killer body, luscious hair, radiant skin, and youthful spirit are the fruits of living a healthy lifestyle.

Genetics play a role in Alicia's slim frame but regardless of how skinny she is, eating junk foods is something she strictly avoids. She tries to avoid high fat foods that are going to be harmful and health depleting, clogging arteries and increasing the risks of getting high blood pressure not to mention premature aging. Food is meant to nourish the body not harm it. She only puts into her body nourishing foods to give her energy all day. Too much of anything good or bad is going to be damaging. Instead of eating junk food that's loaded with s fat, Alicia eats healthier foods, organic, and raw foods never fried or processed. Good sources of healthy fats are olives, olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, walnuts, cashews, almonds, peanuts, and avocados.

People who live the longest are those who eat right, and stimulate their body and mind habitually. Alicia believes having a healthy body is the secret to having a healthy mind.

Nutrition and exercise are essential for Alicia's spiritual well being, creating balance in her life, increased self esteem, better over all health and physical beauty. She comes from a family of health nuts, her mother an aerobics instructor instilled the values of good nutrition and living healthy to lead a happy life.

She starts her day with green tea; she drinks plenty of water and occasionally a glass of red wine. Alicia has never had a soda in her life! She eats oatmeal, fresh fruits, nuts, yogurt, fish and veggies. Alicia's favorite snack is peanut butter and bananas!

She maintains her phenomenal physique with invigorating activities such as swimming, long distance running, weight training, aerobics and dancing. Alicia's workout routine consists of running 4 miles twice a week. She also tones her body with trainer Louis Coraggio, who focuses on strengthening her core with light weights, stretching, and pilates based exercises. When she doesn't have time to train properly she has learned to workout on her own in her dressing room or at home.

Alicia might be the envy of many but being naturally thin has its own consequences, which further inclined Alicia to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. She is naturally thin and gets teased for her slender frame, from starvation to stress. Alicia is just one of those girls who is naturally thin and looks great. She works hard toward keeping her body in the best shape possible loving all her tiny curves and advises women to love their bodies, treat it well, and reap the benefits of wellbeing.

Created: 6/11/2007  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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