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Nancy Lopez

Nancy Lopez, one of the greatest and most-recognized female golfers of all time, began playing golf at the age of eight. She turned professional after her sophomore year of college, won her first LPGA tournament in 1978, and was inducted into the PGA World Golf Hall of Fame in November 1989, after being admitted to the LPGA Hall of Fame in 1987. In 2000, during the LPGA's 50th Anniversary, Lopez was recognized as one of the LPGA's top 50 players and teachers.  Now Nancy has teamed up with pharmaceutical manufacturer Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories to defeat a tough opponent -- osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee.  Their goal is to let people know that Synvisc(R), in conjunction with exercise, can help many people with OA knee pain maintain healthy, active lives.  Lopez is married to former baseball star Ray Knight and they have three children.

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

About two years ago, knee pain from an earlier injury (torn cartilage in my left knee-and subsequent surgery--from playing flag football in high school) made it difficult for me to pursue my normal workout, practice, and touring schedule.  I saw a knee specialist, who diagnosed me with osteoarthritis (OA) of the left knee.  Having already curtailed my playing because of the pain - and contemplating even more time off from the tour - I asked him about treatment options that could quickly get me back to my regular active lifestyle.

My doctor recommended Synvisc(hylan G-F 20), a treatment that provides shock absorption and lubrication to the joint to reduce knee pain and improve mobility.  Over the course of 15 days, he administered three injections of Synvisc into my knee.  Five weeks after the third injection, the pain and stiffness in my knee were almost completely gone, and I was able to return to my normal activities.  I typically partake in daily 90-minute workouts, walk over 400 miles on golf courses, and am active with my three daughters.

I believe many other people with OA of the knee can benefit from Synvisc to maintain their active lifestyles.  I encourage anyone with knee pain to see a knee specialist, and ask him or her about Synvisc.

Synvisc is generally well tolerated; however, it may not work for everyone.  The most commonly reported side effects are temporary pain, swelling, and/or fluid accumulation in the injected knee (about 2% of injections).  If fluid accumulation is large or painful, patients should call their doctor.  Other side effects, such as rash, have been reported rarely.  Patients should advise their doctor if they are allergic to chicken products or if their leg is swollen or infected.  The results of repeat use have not been established. 

For more information about osteoarthritis, click here.
For more information about Synvisc, click here.

Created: 6/8/2001  -  Nancy Lopez

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