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Postpartum Depression


Chances are, you don't know if you have postpartum depression (PPD), but you--or your loved ones--do know that something is just not right. If you think you might have PPD-or simply feel like something is just not right--see your physician sooner rather than later. Your symptomatic and long-term treatment may be much more successful if begun early.

PPD is defined by having five of the following symptoms, one of which must be either depressed mood or decreased interest or pleasure in your normal activities. They must be present for most of the day, nearly every day for 2 weeks or more and they must begin within 3 months of having had a baby. If you think you may have PPD, take Dr. Donnica's Decisionnaire™: print this form, check off the symptoms that you have had, and bring this with you when you consult your physician.

___I have a depressed mood, often accompanied by severe anxiety.
___I have a markedly decreased interest or pleasure in my activities.
___I have a decreased appetitie and/or unexpected weight loss.
___My sleep is disturbed: I can't sleep when the baby sleeps, I awaken easily even if the baby is sleeping, or I have insomnia.
___I feel physically agitated.
___I feel physically lethargic--sometimes like I just can't move.
___I feel overwhelming fatigue.
___I have markedly decreased energy.
___I have feelings of worthlessness.
___I have feelings of excessive or inappropriate guilt.
___I have tgrouble concentrating or making decisions.
___I have recurrent thoughts of death.
___I have thoughts of killing myself or just not waking up at all.

In addition:
___ I have frequent crying spells with little or no provocation.
___ I seem uncontrollably irritable, even when holding my baby.
___ I don't enjoy holding my baby.
___ I dread having to nurse/feed/change my baby.
___ I feel like I'm not caring for my baby properly-even if others say I am.
___ I feel like I might hurt my baby.
___ I feel tremendous feelings of guilt (about anything).
___ I feel worthless.
___ I'm having difficulty eating.
___ I have headaches that don't resolve with acetaminophen (Tylenol).
___ I have difficulty concentrating or remembering even the simplest things.
___ I seem to snap over the littlest things (or people say I do-I don't think they were such little things!)
___ I have had depression before.
___ I have a history of PMS.
___ I have a family history of depression or bipolar disorder.
___ I hate/resent the baby's father.
___ If that baby cries any longer I'm going to explode!
___ I don't have a supportive relationship with the baby's father.
___ I don't have other family or friends to support me emotionally or to help out with the baby or other responsibilities.
___ I had a traumatic pregnancy or delivery-- or I had one of the worst experiences of my life during the pregnancy or delivery.
___ I have thoughts of hurting myself or the baby.
___ I have thoughts of hurting others.
___ I don't want to live.
___ I just can't get out of bed.
___ I had PPD with a previous pregnancy.

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 Alternative therapies are techniques and modalities which have yet to be proven to work in people in general by scientifically controlled clinical research trials, but which many people have testified work for them. 

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