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Premature Ovarian Failure


How do you know if you may have premature menopause? If you think you may have this condition, see your physician sooner rather than later. Many of the disorders that can cause these symptoms can be treated. If you do have premature menopause or POF, your treatment will be much more successful if begun early. For women who want to have children, the earlier they consult a reproductive endocrinologist, the more options they will have.

Take Dr. Donnica's Decisionnaire™.  Check off all the points that apply to you and take this list with you when you consult your physician.

__ You are a woman under 40.
__ Your periods have become less regular and less frequent.
__ Your periods have stopped for more than 3 months (and you are not pregnant).
__ You are having hot flashes.
__ You have night sweats that wake you from sleep.
__ You are suddenly moody and irritable without causes that make sense to you or you have frequent mood swings.
__ You have had chemotherapy or radiation.
__ You (or someone in your family) have an autoimmune disorder (hypothyroidism, Addison's disease, Graves' disease, diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, etc.)
__ You have a history of pituitary problems
__ You or someone in your family is deaf
__ Your mom or sister(s) went through early menopause.
__ You have not been able to get pregnant despite having regular unprotected intercourse for more than a year.
__ Your periods have not resumed after childbirth and you are no longer nursing.
__ You stopped taking birth control pills and my periods have not resumed after 2 months.

In addition, your doctor may advise you to keep a diary of your menstrual bleeding: its frequency, duration, amount, and any associated symptoms. You should also note menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes or night sweats. This will help your physician confirm your clinical diagnosis.

After taking a complete history and doing a complete physical (including an internal exam), there are numerous tests your physician may order to rule out related conditions. This may include a pregnancy test, thyroid and pituitary tests, and tests for autoimmune diseases. The most important test, however, will be an FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) test. This is a blood test for the hormone that causes the ovaries to produce estrogen. The higher the FSH levels, the lower your ovarian function. This should be done at least twice, a month apart as this test may fluctuate. Your doctor may also recommend a blood estradiol level and a karyotype (chromosomal test), depending on your history.

If you are in menopause, your doctor may recommend other tests such as a bone mass measurement to see if you have osteoporosis. Ask your physician if there are other screening tests usually offered to women in their 50's which you should have earlier since you are now menopausal.

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 The confusion of the numerous but vague physical and psychological symptoms can be overwhelming, especially when many physicians don’t consider menopause as a diagnostic option in women under 40. 

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